Tour Provence: Vacation in Provence in a Day!
Tour Provence: Vacation in Provence in a Day!
From the ancient ruins you can freely climb through --to photography, to hiking, to pondering n'importe quoi... or just to put out a blanket and enjoy the view...
To the village panoramas...
To the life within...
Why not open the door on a new adventure. It's Bliss!
But first, read what others have to say...Don't take our word for it.
After you are through, book our last room. Watch the lavender flower, and experience the fragrance when a field is cut...It permeates the air for a quarter mile around it!
July 17-22 Provence (possible early arrival for Paris too!)
July 28-August 4 (Mediterranean and Paris) This trip is not advertised. It's a small private trip. contact us for details